Category Archives: Misc.

I’m Baaaaaack!

2016toppsWith the release of 2016 Topps Series 1 this week and the purchase of a few packs, I have the urge to blog again. Hopefully I can be more consistent this time around!

Of course my main topic I will be blogging about is Will Clark and my pursuit of his trading cards. I have a few arriving in the mail and can’t wait to share them on here.

Additionally, I will blogging about my pursuit of completing the 2016 Topps base set plus a few other miscellaneous topics now and then.

I am working on my review of the 2016 Topps set and will post soon.


It’s Been Way Too Long!

A lot has happened since I was last able to post way back in February.  The baseball season started and ended . . . GIANTS WON THE WORLD SERIES!  I retired from the United States Air Force, working a full-time civilian job and am back in school. I have missed collecting and posting about it, so I am back (maybe I can actually stick around this time.) Much respect to those bloggers and writers that continue to post about their adventures in card collecting, and I am looking forward to catching up on all your posts.

The Will Clark Project

will_clark_giantsWelcome to The Will Clark Project.  I started another blog called Back in the Card Game last year, family and work took over and time for that site dwindled.  I have moved on from BitCG and decided to go in another direction and concentrate on collecting my all-time favorite player.  I will have a few other side projects, Milestone Collections, San Francisco Giants team collections (concentrating on Topps) and collecting the current Topps set and working my way back.

My favorite player growing up in the 1980’s was San Francisco Giants’ first baseman Will Clark. Clark attended Mississippi State University and played for the 1984 U.S.A. Olympic Team (where I first saw him) before being drafted by the Giants in the 1985 amateur draft and making his major league debut in 1986.  He was the main player I collected in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s before giving up on the hobby but since getting back into it last year I have started to add the many, many cards I was missing from my original collection and the ones that have come out since then.